Communauté francophone de PostgreSQL

La communauté francophone de PostgreSQL

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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

PGDay 2009

In a few words

Here's a short description of the event :

  • Date: 6-7 november 2009
  • City: Paris
  • Duration: 2 days
  • How many people attended : between 200 and 300
  • Entrance will not be free
  • Contents: 1 track in french + 1 track in english
  • 1 dev room
  • 1 track of tutorials in french (if possible)
  • food is included (cold meal)


Work in progess



en/pgday2009/start.1242391606.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/05/15 14:46 de gleu