Communauté francophone de PostgreSQL

La communauté francophone de PostgreSQL

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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Looking for Sponsors

The final contract

The final version of our sponsorship contract is here!

For an invoice, ask Jean-Paul Argudo, as he's the PostgreSQL Europe treasurer. When Jean-Paul is not available, Guillaume Lelarge will be the backup. He knows how to make an invoice in the PostgreSQL Europe format.


Company Local contact In charge Partner Level Response Comments (date of contact…)
Agematis klando
Alter Way / Solinux Vincent Vignolle gsmet Last contacted july 1st, no news at the moment. Contacted again on aug. 5th
Anaska Cyril Pierre de Geyer jpa Contacted, awaiting response
BULL Marie-Hélène Cotten gsmet ? Contacted on july 6th. Contacted again on aug. 5th
Capgemini ? ? ?
CampToCamp Olivier Courtin daamien
Cityvox Damien Méry gsmet Silver PAID, awaiting contract
CNES jca
CS jca jca NO “No sponsorship of any type this year”. CS made it possible to have Paristech Telecom as venue (relationships). I think we could do something for them ?
CKR jean-max
Dalibo jpa jpa Gold PAID, awaiting contract
Elma Jean-Samuel Reynaud
Freescale jca NO Freescale Toulouse is about to stop activity. It's not time to ask them for sponsorship.
Fotolia Ludovic Levesque
IdealX/Open Trust jpa Contacted, awaiting response
IGN jca
Ingres Corporation France Mme Juquelier et M. Padique gsmet Contacted on july 6th. Mrs Juquelier answered me we should have a final answer by july 17th. Contacted again on aug. 5th but on vacation until aug. 24th
Mappy Omar Shala damien
Makina Corpus - gsmet Vincent Picavet has left Makina Corpus
MeteoFR klando
Open Wide gsmet gsmet Silver PAID, awaiting contract
Orange Sébastien Georget + Cityvox gsmet In progress internally
Overblog jpa ou klando.. a voir they already are sponsors of PGDG
RATP gsmet Contacted on july 6th. Don't hold your breath.
Syleam kryskool kryskool ?
Thales jpa jpa I (jpa) take the lead on this


Company Local contact In charge Partner Level Response Comments (date of contact…)
2nd Quadrant Silver PAID, awaiting contract
Aster data Emmanuel Cecchet gsmet NO Contacted on july 3rd. Emmanuel answered back on july 5th, he's going to talk to Aster Data. Btw, he's in the US now and he's not sure Aster could send him in France and take the travel expenses at their charge. Aster won't be able to sponsor this year: their unplanned sponsoring budget was already used for PGCon
EntrepriseDB Dave Page jpa Platinum Contract signed and paid
Redpill Linpro Susannah Eriksson mha Silver PAID, awaiting contract
Continuent Robert Hodges, Petri Virsunen mha Silver Contract signed, awaiting payment Contact from Petri Virsunen, waiting for signed contract/payment
Cybertech Bronze PAID, awaiting contract
Credativ Michael Meskes mha Pinged on IM a few times, not really any comments yet.
OmniTI Robert Treat mha NO No operations in europe, focus on north american conferences.
F-Secure Peter Eisentraut
GT portalBase Oliver Kohll jpa Bronze PAID, awaiting contract Gavin Roy mha Maybe…
Sirius Tom Callway dpage Silver Awaiting contract
Canonical mha Initial contact


Administration Contact Responsable Niveau Réponse
SPI Joshua Drake jpa not sure SPI's answer is simple: tell us how much you need and why, and we'll tell if that's OK or not
Mairie de Paris
Region IDF

_jpa_: au sujet du SPI, je pense qu'on peut éventuellement leur demander de couvrir un décalage entre le paiement des sponsors et le paiement des factures pour le lieu. Par exemple, si on a 5k en caisse et on nous demande 8k pour réserver une salle, on sait qu'on les aura (sponsors en cours de négo/signature/whatever), on peut leur demander de nous donner (prêter?) 3k pour couvrir.

en/pgday2009/recherche_sponsors.1252343561.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/09/07 19:12 de jpargudo