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PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20090603 Meeting

  • Location : IRC (#pgday on freenode)
  • Date : 2009-06-03 (9pm - 10:30pm)

People attending the meeting

on IRC

  • Guillaume Lelarge (gleu)
  • Magnus Hagander (magnush)
  • Dave Page (pgSnake)
  • Andreas Scherbaum (ads)
  • Guillaume Smet (gsmet)

People missing

  • Damien Clochard (daamien)

Agenda of the meeting

  • Choosing the caterers (gleu)
  • Logo for PHPSolution (gleu)
  • Call for papers

Minutes of the meeting


We had some offers for lunch boxes. The price didn't drop a lot.

So, Sidonie's offer is still the cheapest one and a good one. But people are still a little worried it may be too big for a small team. Guillaume Lelarge will ask her some references. It would help if we could get references that are similar sized with our event, because it proves they can deal with a large booking. But any reference is better than nothing.

Press logos

PHPSolution's editor in chief asks Guillaume Lelarge to write an article about 8.4, and a news about the pgday event in Paris. He would like to have PHPSolution logo on pgday's website. We need to keep the entry bar high to avoid de-valuing the logo placement for the paying sponsors. So, we can't put PHPSolution's logo on the front page. We will add another page with “press about pgday”, where we will put press logos and link to the article or to the paper.

Call for papers

We should do that soonest. In fact, Dave Page took that part of the work and sent a draft on the pgday mailing list. The CfP will be proofreaded (at least Guillaume Smet will look at it), then translated and finally sent.

Next meeting

It would be great that more people attend to the meeting. We were only five this time, that's not enough. Next meeting is 2009-06-17, 9pm. Guillaume Lelarge will send reminders on the pgday mailing list.

PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20090617 Meeting

  • Location : IRC (#pgday on freenode)
  • Date : 2009-06-17 (9pm - 11pm)

People attending the meeting

on IRC

  • Guillaume Lelarge (gleu)
  • Jean-Paul Argudo (jpa)
  • Damien Clochard (daamien)
  • Magnus Hagander (magnush)
  • Guillaume Smet (gsmet)
  • Gabriele Bartolini (gbartolini)
  • Dave Page (pgSnake)
  • Andreas Scherbaum (ads)
  • Cédric Villemain (joined late)
  • Stéphane Schildknecht (joined late)

People missing

  • Jean-Christophe Arnu

Agenda of the meeting

  • Contracts with Paristech Telecom… is it done? (gleu)
  • Choosing the caterers (gleu)
  • Hotels (gleu)
  • Committees - more members needed
  • Budget

Minutes of the meeting

Contracts with Paristech Telecom

Nobody at the meeting knows what happens about the contract with Paristech Telecom. We don't need to worry on this issue, but we need to get in touch with Jean-Christophe Arnu to know more about it. Guillaume Lelarge is in charge of this.

Choosing the caterers

Guillaume Lelarge send an email to answer Dave Page's concerns. Unfortunality, that wasn't quite what he had in mind. People are quite interesting by Sidonie's offer, but it wouldn't hurt if we could get a statement from one of their previous *customers* saying how they liked working with them, and what they thought about the service Other than that, we see no reason *not* to choose these guys. So, someone need to call one of their customer and ask them this sort of questions. Guillaume Lelarge don't feel comfortable with this, so Jean-Paul Argudo kindly accepts to do it. He'll present the results to the list.


Guillaume Lelarge gave a call to something like 10 hotels. They are nearly completely booked because of another event (batimat,, 2009-11-02 - 2009-11-07). It's probaly not the only one in november. That's not really good news.

Gabriele told us how he did in Prato. He had to book a maximum of X rooms per hotel. He had a deadline, and after that deadline, those rooms became free. He also had a special rate with 4 hotels.

We have three solutions:

  • Look in the north of Paris, but on the same metro line to make it simpler. Magnus tells once more time that we *don't* want to pre-reserve anything. What we'd like is to negotiate a rate, so we get some % discount. And then tell people to book it themselves.
  • Of course, we could let people choose the hotel themselves. But as a visitor from the outside, the real value is that we cluster people together at a couple of places. A “PG hotel” like the one in Brussels would be better.
  • Last solution would be to book an hotel very far from ParisTech, outside of Paris, something like 25 minutes in transport. But this has its own issues: people don't wake up at the same time. what will we do if someone is late to take the bus?

Anyway, we shouldn't expect too much discount in november in Paris because they all know they'll book all their rooms. If we don't find anything, the discount part can probably be ignored. It's not the price that is the important thing, it's the clustering of people - if we get a better rate, it's a good thing, but it's not a requirement.

The real issue is that people will have to book their rooms very early. We're in june and it's already late as you can see from Guillaume's attempts. So we need to publish the hotel list at next meeting. Damien Clochard want us to communicate about this problem. We have to tell them to hurry to book their hotel, maybe just a simple mail on pgeu-general and a message on the website.

So, Guillaume Lelarge will try to find two or three hotels to handle 40 people, near a metro line. It would be good to have some more hotels, because many people book really late.


We currently have only *two* people on the french committee and three on the english. Magnus Hagander thinks we need to be 4 on each. So, we need one more person for the english group and two for the french. Guillaume Smet remembers that Magnus Hagander said all members of the committee would review english and french tracks. So, Magnus Hagander agrees that we just need more people for the french one. Because those on the english one don't really have the required skills to review french submissions.

Jean-Paul Argudo is for asking on the mailing lists, but Magnus Hagander and a few others (Guillaume Smet, Guillaume Lelarge, and Andreas Scherbaum) don't think this is a good idea. If we ask this in public, it will be weeks, if not month+, before there is any kind of agreement. Cooptation will be quicker.

The next question is how we find more volunteers, and where. We already have some ideas, so Guillaume Lelarge will ask each of them: Marc Cousin, Guillaume de Rorthais, Vincent Picavet, Dimitri Fontaine.

Budget wiki page

(still to be done)

Work to do ASAP

  • Damien Clochard
    • write the french template letter (with Jean-Paul)
    • translate the french template letter and send the translated one to Dave Page
  • Jean-Paul Argudo
    • get the name and phone of a previous customer of Sidonie, and call him to know what he thinks of the service
    • finalize the english contract soon
    • write the french template letter (with Damien)
    • check out this “insurance” thing with his friend
    • call hostesses' schools in Paris
  • Dave Page
    • reword the translated template letter
  • Guillaume Lelarge
    • get in touch with Jean-Christophe Arnu to know more about the state of the contract with Paristech Telecom (mail sent on 2009-06-20)
    • send emails to a bunch of french guys to ask them to be part of the committee
    • find two or three hotels to handle 40 people, near a metro line
  • Guillaume Smet
    • proofread the Call for Proposals

Upcoming meetings

Upcoming meetings

en/pgday2009/meeting_pgday09_20090603.1245497708.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/06/20 13:35 de gleu