Communauté francophone de PostgreSQL

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PGDay Europe Sponsorship Campaign

The European PostgreSQL Day (aka PGDday) is a day of celebration. Celebration for PostgreSQL and, on a wider view, for the free software and open-source communities based in Europe. The event will take place in Paris, France on November 6 and 7 2009.

The PGDay 2009 is the biggest PostgreSQL event in Europe. It's an opportunity for users and developers of PostgreSQL to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use this outstanding product for the daily management of relational and object databases.

Check out our website for more details :

Among the others, the most suitable audiences for the event are

  • government organizations
  • small and middle size companies
  • schools and universities

This year more 200 persons are expected.

PGDay Europe is a non-profit intiative. To be able to provide quality content and organization, we are pleased to launch a Partnership Campaign. Your company can help us making the European PGDay a great event !

Several sponsorship slots are available, from Bronze to Plantinum, giving you various visibility.

More details at

If you have any question or remarks, don't hesitate to contact us :

About the organizers

The 3rd European PGDay is organised by PostgreSQL Europe ( the association of European PostgreSQL users ) and PostgreSQLFr ( the association of the French-speaking PostgreSQL users ). Any benefit earned through this event will be used to promote PostgreSQL in Europe and french-speaking countries.

en/pgday2009/letter_to_potential_sponsors.1248033373.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2009/07/19 21:56 de daamien