PGDAY.EU 2009 / 20081222 Meeting


The meeting takes place on monday december 22th at #postgresqlfr-ca on freenode. It starts at 19h00, ends at 20h30

People involved are :

The goal of the meeting is to discuss about the next PGDAY.EU, espesially the different locations we have contacted.

The final goal is to announce the place and date of PGDAY.EU 2009 during FOSDEM (Feb 7-8)


Here's a quick description of the event as discussed in Prato with the PGEU Board :

Where ?

So far we have contacted 17 different locations that are appropriate for this kind of event. Most of them are too expensive (more than 10000 € per day).

Basically we have 5 “appropriate and affordable” remaining places :

We also have a place called “la cantine” where we can organize a party or something like that

In the same time, we have a “plan B solution” in strasbourg and a Plan C in toulouse

You can check all the 17 location here : (french only)

When ?

We want to do it on a friday-saturday in october or november

Let's eliminate the bad dates :

Here are our best choices :

Any comment on these dates is more than welcome

Prices ?

We've discussed about prices, here's our first proposal :

Sponsorship ?

We need to define quickly a “sponsorship grid”. We took example on PGDAY.IT :

Check it out →

We need to be more precised on each level of sponsorship. the goal is to be ready for FOSDEM and try to talk to representant of potential sponsors ( EDB, continuent, skype, etc…)

More Questions ?

Can SPI help us ?

jpa will check with Joshua Drake to see if there's any chance that we get some help from the SPI

Who pays ? ;-)

Since the event is organized by PGFR and PGEU, we need to decide who gets the money coming from sponsors and entry fees. Along with this question, there are to others coming :

We need to be very clear on these subjects

Gabriele : Can you send us more info about PGDAY.EU 2008 ?

In particular, we'd love to have an idea of what you're budget was.

If you still have a list of contacts of your sponsors that would help us a lot too…