French version here : appel

Call For Projects

The year 2009 was exceptional for the French PostgreSQL Community with European Conference “PGDay” taking place in Paris. This is the largest conference dedicated to PostgreSQL ever organized throughout Europe to date.

This success brought nifty benefit to PostgreSQLFr (French Speaking PostgreSQL User Group). Or put simply: PostgreSQLFr got enough money to sustain its activity for years and continues to receive more money than it spends!

Members of PostgreSQLFr decided to launch a call for projects in 2010 to redistribute a share of the funds, to help projects in the French speaking PostgreSQL Community.

Actually PostgreSQLFr is proposing to fund projects with envelopes from 1000€ to 4000€, depending on the expressed needs. These envelopes could be used to pay back travels, hardware, printing costs, rental or any other costs involved in achieving the project. Costs would be paid back by the association on original invoice reception. Part or full internship could also be funded. Costs could be paid in advance if justified.

Who can participate ?

Fund are opened to anyone, worldwide, at any age or technical skill.

Candidate projects must respect the following requirements :

Who will decide ?

Projects Examples

What do I need to be candidate ?

Candidatures must be sent to PostgreSQLFr before February the 28th 2011. Candidatures must be composed of the following items :

Applications should be sent to :

The call for project planning is the following :

November 1st 2010 Call for project and candidature are open
February 28th 2011 Limit date for project candidature to be sent
March 15th 2011 Project selection by PostgreSQLFr members
March 21st 2011 Project selection publishing